All What Is Needed For A Successful PLANTPOCKETS Vertical Garden

There is so much potential for creating a vertical garden using PLANTPOCKETS. It can be used as a food source in growing vegetables, herbs and fruits as well as to create a beautiful flower garden.

But for a vertical garden to strive and be successful there are certain needs that need to be fulfilled. Here are a few examples:


Very often overlooked, proper drainage is always needed for a successful vertical garden as it can prevent disease, fungal and bacterial infections to the plants as well as salt build-up that can harm plants. Luckily, when you utilize a PLANTPOCKETS vertical grow bag the knitted mesh allows for proper drainage and keeps the plants cooler so you know you are keeping them healthy.


Soil is another very important component to having a successful vertical garden. In general, good-quality loam-based potting soil is ideal for most vertical gardens. It is lightweight, has excellent drainage and is filled with nutrients and minerals that help make your plants grow.


Direct sunlight is extremely important to the success of a successful vertical garden. If the garden is not getting that, it should be supplemented with an intense light source using bulbs with the right color spectrum. Once you know you have the right amount of direct sunlight or supplemental lighting in-place an exterior wall with edible produce can produce an abundant number of beautiful greens and herbs.

These are just a few factors that go into creating an amazing vertical garden. Other important factors include water usage, orientation of how the plants are planted and the additional nutrition they are going to need.

So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to create a beautiful PLANTPOCKETS vertical garden today!