Some Good 411 on Grow Bag Gardening

Grow Bag gardening is becoming a very popular form of gardening for a variety of reasons. With the biggest being that it is a simple and easy way to raise vegetables, herbs or flower plants in a small space. In addition, they don’t require much strength for their maintenance as they are much lighter than typical terra cotta pots.

So, if you are looking to get started with a grow bag type garden, here are few facts you should know about and consider:

Space Savings

Just like vertical gardening, grow bag gardening doesn’t require much space. You can grow the most beautiful produce and plants on a simple balcony or porch that gets lots of light.

Plant Selection is Key

To have a successful growbag garden you will want to choose plants that have shallow root systems like radishes and salad greens. These types of plants don’t require as much physical room to grow unless the growbag is oversized.

Grow Bag Gardens Have Excellent Aeration

With easier ability for air-flow, plants in grow bags won’t become root bound and are able to branch out which they wouldn’t be able to do if grown in a typical pot. Grow bags with aeration will also allow water to drain out from all sides so if you overwater it, there is less likely to be root rot.

Creating gardens using grow bags is a wonderful way to create beautiful herbs and vegetables as well as bloom the loveliest of plants.

Don’t want any longer, get your PLANTPOCKETS expandable grow bag that features bio-engineered knitted mesh and start seeing the best of what nature has to offer!