The Best Fruits & Veggies That Love to Climb

Vertical Gardening has a slew of benefits including the space savings it provides and the ability to prevent pests and diseases from intruding in your garden.

So, when creating your vertical garden, you will want to consider that you want to start growing. Perhaps it’s pretty flowers or certain herbs? You also may want to grow some delicious fruits and veggies.

Fruits and vegetables are a great way to utilize vertical gardens but some prosper better being grown this way compared to others. Here are a few that love to climb:


By growing tomatoes vertically helps keep the plant upright and prevents the stems from breaking due to their heaviness and the wind. In addition, by growing tomatoes vertically helps keep leaves off the ground which will help minimize disease.

Asparagus Beans

Asparagus bean vines can easily reach 6 feet or more and by growing them vertically will also keep pests away from the hard work you are trying to benefit from. Also, by growing them vertically makes harvesting easier as the beans hang down which make them easier to spot and locate throughout the leaves.


Similar to Asparagus Beans, Cucumbers that grow vertically are much easier to harvest. That’s because their long vines can quickly take over a raising bed and by keeping them vertical will allow other crops that need to be kept horizontal to grow much easier.

No matter which fruits and vegetables you decide to grow in your urban garden, a PLANTPOCKET should be its home. These vertical grow bags have a slew of benefits for vertical gardening including preventing competing weeds from making way to keeping the plants and crops cool. Plus, they are virtually maintenance free.

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