Why You Should Give Urban Gardening A Try

For many of us that live in multi-family dwelling units such as condos or apartments or live in highly populated areas such as big cities, it’s hard to grow a garden, simply because of the lack of physical space.

That doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy the passion of gardening. You just need to do it a little differently. One popular option you may or may not have heard of is Urban Gardening.

Urban Gardening or Vertical Gardening teaches you that you don’t need a lot of space to grow your own vegetables and herbs. Instead, you can grow, healthy, high-quality food right from a balcony wall of fence.

Besides though the limited space you need to create an urban garden, this form of gardening has a bunch of benefits. Here are just a few reasons:

  • It can save you money. Living in a big city can become very expensive. By doing your own gardening can help bring the bills down.
  • Who knows how many people touched the produce in a local grocery store. By growing it yourself, you know by growing it yourself, you are getting true organic food.
  • Urban gardening is fun and can become a passionate and healthy hobby to partake it. It gives you responsibility and the final products will make you proud as you can tell yourself and everyone else you grew this beautiful produce yourself.

Urban Gardening can be utilized by people of all ages and with the help of PLANTPOCKETS, this new joy of urban gardening can become even more simpler. Simply install a vertical pocket on your wall and you will be able to grow herbs and veggies in no time. There are no competing weeds, little to no maintenance and with its knitted mesh keep plants cooler and away from most varmints.

Don’t delay, your next urban garden is waiting for you.