Gardening Can Be A Great Way To Exercise

When most people think of exercise, they think of going to a gym or running on their treadmill. But did you know there are other ways you can get exercise that you may not have thought of including by gardening?

Yes, the popular hobby for many can be a great source of vigorous physical activity for younger adults and also a moderate form of physical activity for older adults. It can even help with muscle-strengthening and has even been known to be one of the best physical activities to partake in with the lowest injury rate.

Gardening doesn’t just improve your physical health but studies have shown that it can improve your mental health as well. In fact, spending just 2 hours in your garden per week can help boost your mood. It is also an ideal way to alleviate stress and by participating in communal gardening can have social benefits and combat isolation. A huge thing for many with the pandemic the last few years.

Gardening can work many different muscle groups including the abdomen, shoulders, legs and arms. In addition, it can improve mobility, and endurance.

Between digging, planting, mowing, raking and weeding, you can burn a lot of calories. Even if you are into vertical gardening, you can burn calories as your upper body is constantly moving and exerting energy.

No matter what you like to grow in your garden, know that you are not just providing yourself with a sense of accomplishment but you are also staying healthy.

Now the only thing needed to add to your “new” workout is a few PLANTPOCKETS. Whether its the vertical grow bags for your wall or fence or an expandable growbag for the garden, PLANTPOCKETS are a must for any garden and health enthusiast!

Happy exercising and happy gardening.