The Feeling of Peace and Happiness You Get When You Are In Your Garden

Did you know that environmental triggers such as being in your garden can increase “feel good” chemicals in your brain? It’s true and in fact a particular bacterium, called Mycobacterium vaccae, triggers the release of that “feel good” chemical, also known as serotonin. Serotonin makes us feel happy and boosts the body’s immune system. In contrast, a lack of it can lead to depression.

In addition, flower gardens and other scent-heavy types of plants act as an aromatherapy. When you begin to wander through your garden and begin to smell things such as lavender or sage, your body and mind begins to relax. Plus, certain gardens will attract wildlife such as birds chirping which allows us to reflect on nature and what’s behind it, which always create positive thoughts.

If typical gardening isn’t your thing, or you don’t have the physical space to create and maintain a garden you can still feel this happiness and positive spirituality.

One way is by visiting a local botanical garden. They are all throughout the world and feature various alcoves, sitting areas and other special spots to soak in the best of gardening nature.

Another is by creating a vertical garden with PLANTPOCKETS. Vertical gardens are ideal for those with limited physical space such as in urban areas with high-rise dwelling units. Vertical gardens allow you to create beautiful plants, herbs and produce while also giving off that positive allure that provides us with peace and happiness.

Why wait, start feeling peaceful and happy today!