It’s World Health Day, The Perfect Time To Start Your Own Garden

On April 7th each year, the world recognizes World Health Day as it is the day the World Health Organization (WHO) founded the day in 1948. It focuses each year on a specific health concern and its overall goal is to draw worldwide attention to maintaining good health.

One way to maintain that good health is by eating lots of healthy vegetables and why not save money on the grocery bill by growing them in your very own garden.

Home grown produce often tastes better than purchasing it from the store and it allows you to get fresh air and sunshine at the same time.

Unfortunately, many of us don’t have the physical space to have your own garden, as gardens can take up a large area. Well, that now has changed with the invention of PLANTPOCKETS and vertical gardening.

Vertical gardening is a wonderful alternative for those with limited space but love to grow their own produce. Instead of planting in the soil and risking the potential of getting many weeds, you can grow produce in a PLANTPOCKET. PLANTPOCKETS are made using knitted polyethylene mesh that is extremely durable and has long longevity in all weather conditions. Plus, they each feature a moisture control liner which will help prevent unwanted weeds from appearing. Easy to hang and maintain, each vertical PLANTPOCKET comes with two grommets so they can attach to any wall, railing, dock or fence.

Fresh vegetables are key to maintaining good health and what not a better way to obtain these delicious veggies then by growing them yourself using a PLANTPOCKET.

To good health and happy gardening.