The Great Benefits of Vertical Gardening You May or May Not Have Thought Of

While everyone loves a beautiful garden outside their home, some of us just don’t have the space. A wonderful alternative to a typical garden is vertical gardening and with it comes a lot of great benefits. Some you may be aware of but others you may not have.

Here are a few examples:

The Space Spacing

The most obvious benefit of vertical gardening is the space it saves. Now instead of growing within a specific area, you are growing vertically and can grow just as much right from a small space such as a deck or patio. In addition, with vertical gardening you can also grow in unusual, non-traditional places such as on walls, fences and balconies.

The Beauty and Privacy Benefits

By growing plants vertically adds a unique visual to your area that will become the talk of the neighborhood. It’s also a great way to create privacy and hide unsightly areas.

The Ease of It

By growing vertically, makes maintenance that much easier. You don’t need to do any bending and anyone in any physical condition, including those in a wheelchair can care for it. Besides that, there is little to no weeding or pest control needed.

These are just a few examples of why Vertical Gardening is a wonderful thing to take up. There are many others as well.

Don’t delay, purchase a few PLANTPOCKETS today and start your vertical gardening adventure. You will be very happy you did!